Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wisdom of the hazel

Since the Middle Ages, sacred hazels. In Ireland, three trees were particularly important: the apple tree for its beauty, its power to the oak and hazel for his wisdom. These trees were so sacred that they were punished with death when they were felled or damaged.

The Romans called Scotland Caledonia, derived from calcium thin which means hill or hazel. To them, Scotland, the land of the hazel.

Wild hazel trees grew in ancient times throughout Europe. Their fruits were important food for the Swiss lakes residents. Branches of hazel were also used to support grapevines. Wild goats, which they caught, were roasted on the spit, made from a hazel branch.

In Greek mythology, the hazel is attributed to Hermes (Mercury). Hermes was the messenger of the gods, but also god of commerce, craft, eloquence, intelligence, adventurous travel and thievery. He was often portrayed with a wand, the caduceus, a great travel hat and sandals. According to Greek legend, a small child as he stepped out of his bed in search of adventure. He was very resourceful. He strained B.V. some threads about a shell. The winch was finished he could play vituoos. Once, when Hermes was hungry, he stole an ox of Apollo (god of the sun). When Apollo discovered this, and just wanted to be angry, Hermes played on his lyre. Apollo was moved and forgot to punish Hermes. This was so grateful to him that he gave his lyre to Apollo, and therefore present a magic wand, the caduceus (a hazelaartak) received him wisdom, wealth and security provided. Everything he touched with the wand, turned into gold.


Hermes could easily its wings through the sky. The wand was decorated with ribbons, which were later depicted as snakes. The caduceus was the symbol of physicians. The two snakes that wind around the rod, symbolizing health and sickness, life and death, because the poison of snakes was formerly used as a drug or to kill someone. caduceus on Mount Nebo in Jordan

In the ancient Romans, the hazel symbol of peace.

In Irish legends hear hazel salmon and water, eg In the legend of Connla's Well, probably the source of the River Shannon. This source is surrounded by nine hazel. They symbolize beauty and wisdom (flowers and fruits). When the source notes in the fall, the salmon eats them. The spots on his back to show how much he has eaten hazelnuts. Thus, the salmon recipient of all knowledge.

The hazel was associated with the element air and the speed of movement has to do with the salmon, because salmon is moving smoothly and quickly through the water. Occasionally he even jumps into the air.

According to Celtic mythology, the hazel of the White Goddess of fertility dedicated. "Ms. Hazel 'was the symbol of life, fertility and renewal.

In the ancient Germanic peoples, the hazel symbol of male potency. They planted hazel in the hope that the power of nutritious nuts on the guy would pass. The hazel was dedicated to god Thor. Thor was the master of lightning and thunder, and they trusted that he was 'his' tree would not destroy.


leaping salmon

People use

Were found in tombs rods of hazel wood was used as a magic wand.

Hazel branches were always used because of their special powers. It was passable water, mineral and earth energies to find veins. He was the divining rod which has the shape of a Y. Before the 17th century, hazel twigs were used also for thieves, murderers and treasures.

During the Middle Ages by the 'lex ripuaria "(Germanic law) the witch hazel banned, but people were hazel branches continue to use magic wand to ward off threats. Children could not be beaten with a hazel rod because otherwise they would grow crooked.

The practice of divination is practiced even today. The sorcerer for the water, minerals or terrestrial radiation searches, the discovery would be a slight quiver of his wrist or sudden heat or cold feeling. Willow branches were also used as a dowsing rod. augurer


In Scotland, an ancient practice of hazelnuts the names of loved ones and give them to lay on hot coals. When they stay on quietly side by side, is a sign that the lovers will remain faithful to each other. When the nut and cracks apart rollers, one of the two to be unfaithful.

Hazel branches can also be used to poetic inspiration and magic to awaken. An old English method of a powerful magic wand can be obtained during sunrise on a Wednesday (the day of Hermes) in the spring or in autumn with a sickle to cut off a hazelaartak.

Hazelnuts bring happiness when there is a chain of stringing and hanging in the house. Chain gave a hazelnut is often a bride to congratulate her. Eating hazelnuts promotes wisdom and fertility.

Thin hazel branches were also injured around crowns, also known. "Wishing caps', joy to the carriers to come. Sailors took with hazel branches to protect them from storms.

The Druids could become invisible by wearing hazel branches. It also protected against lightning and fire around the window when they were confirmed.

Germanic god Thor

It works the same way when a hazel plant next to the house.

Who falls asleep under a hazel, will awaken in the realm of fairies.

Many hazelnuts in autumn indicate many illegitimate children in the spring.

According to a Christian legend, St. Mary ended up in a storm and the lightning was protected by a hazel. (Statistically, the hazel less frequently struck by lightning than other trees)

For himself, his family and cattle against witches, evil, spirits and protect snakes, one hazel branches laid on the roof, under the bed, along the windows in the house.

Cinderella from the magic tree

According to an ancient legend is seen in the branches of the hazel find silver keys to open treasure chests so.

Cinderella (Grimm fairy tale) wanted a hazelaartak to the grave of her mother plant. It was a magic tree that kept her beautiful clothes.

Moses would m.b.v. a hazeltak Sinia in the desert found water for his people.

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