Monday, September 5, 2011

Aphids and control

Aphids: preventing and combating the many species of aphids
Aphids fight
Aphid brassica (Suborder Aphidina)
Aphids are among the most common pests. Everybody has already had to deal with because almost every plant species has its own appropriate aphid. There are also over 1000 species known as the green aphid, glasshouse potato aphid, mealy cabbage aphid, black bean aphid, slaluis, peach aphid, oak leaf aphid, aphids elderberry, rose aphid, apple aphid grass, green appeltakluis ... Usually we know them in the green, but there are also yellow, brown, black, white, transparent, ... species.
They are small insects of ± 0.5 cm long with a snout that they use to participate in the plants there and then stabbing to suck juices with which to feed. We can plant pests found on branches, trunk and even the roots, but usually they are hidden on the underside of the leaves because they are the easiest to floĆ«emsappen create suction.
Even though the vermin they can do considerable damage crops because of their enormous reproductive capability over a short period so they can become a real nuisance. Besides feeding damage which the plants grow less rapidly or where the growing points curl and deform, bring aphids also transmit viruses such as the mosaic virus. Moreover, aphids contaminate the plants they live with their separation materials. This is a sticky product containing sugar also called honeydew on which black sooty mold may develop. When this fungus affecting the leaves black. If your garden furniture, trampoline, barbecue, ... under a tree where aphids are then used by the sticky honeydew feel.
Fortunately, many natural aphid control agents such as lacewings, ladybugs, assassin bugs, parasitic wasps, earwigs, ...On the other hand has also close allies of the aphids that protect them from predators above. Ants protect aphids colonies and before they are reimbursed by the aphids or honeydew with a kind of sweet substance they secrete where the ants are fond of. If you see a tree or plant stem along rows of ants walking up and down, that's probably because at that tree or plant an aphid colony is.
Prevention of aphids:
The healthier and stronger your plants are, the less likely they will be attacked by aphids. So ensure that your plants at a suitable location and that they have a right dose of fertilizer. Not too little and not too much because of over fertilization, the plants also susceptible to aphids.
Place your plants from aphids aphids sensitive crops that do not really like smell. Fragrant herbs like lavender, savory, dill, sage, hyssop, garlic and onions are ideal for planting between aphids at bay.

Aphids fighting with water or plant extracts:
If aphids attack itself but some plants there, they can still quite easily be hosed off with a hard jet. In addition, you should spray down the underside of the leaves. For potted plants you can even plant a good soaking in a bucket of lukewarm water or under the faucet or shower spray them with hundreds of the plant.
Something stronger than plain water are the many types of plants or extracts vulture.Thus homemade manure of nettles, tobacco, rhubarb, onions, garlic or potato peelings quite effective if you do can repeat every few days.To vulture to pick a half a bucket of nettles and then fill that with water. Let the jar stand for several days in a place where you do not need to spend too much as it can stink. Then filter the netelresten out and go to the obtained liquid ten times diluted with water before use.
For a plant decoction with garlic and onions: 1 kg cut garlic / onion into pieces and let it for half hour in one liter water. If so then you pour the infested plants aphids will not appreciate.
With tobacco, you can create a slurry that will kill the lice, but you can also use smoke to destroy aphids. If the aphids are on a houseplant, place in a large bucket or tub that you can close with a lid. Blow up a generous portion of cigarette smoke in the bucket and put the lid on. Let the plant an hour in the bucket and then you will notice that most aphids have given the pipe to Maarten. If still alive, you can repeat the treatment.
Control of aphids by natural enemies:
The most feared predator of the aphid is the ladybird. The larvae of a ladybird eats during its development to the verpoppingsstadium ± 400 aphids. An adult ladybug can in her life again over 5000 aphids eat.

This ugly duckling will grow into a beautiful ladybug.In May, they are massively present in the gardens and eat them every day there are tons of aphids
Make sure that the ladybugs are having in your garden and provide ladybird boxes. These boxes are designed so that ladybugs are easy access. Also, many competitors and predators of the ladybird kept outside.
Ladybug Cabinet -Ladybug Cabinet
To the biological control agents of aphids ladybug box all the way to make their way, consider some loose leaves or corrugated rolls into the house to stop.

OhrwurmVoor the biological control of aphids include earwigs are good to use. The earwig feeds on aphids not only once but also with mites, larvae and eggs of insects (made apple / fruit moth), apple mussel aphids, small caterpillars and other pests. They also eat vegetable matter such as algae. The earwig is a very useful insect for the control of aphid pests.
Hang up a straw-filled flowerpot on the places where the earwigs at night to find the aphids.
Other natural enemies of aphids that feed on it include lacewings, parasitic wasps and galmuglarven. In addition there are the tits and other insect-eating garden birds to help with the aphids to clean up.

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