Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rabbits in the garden

Rabbits in the garden
Many people keep rabbits in boxes than those in the back of the garden. Sometimes the lucky rabbits and live in a loft with a uitloopren. But the unfortunate of that running is often a travesty that they are for the garden. Often they are ugly.

Rabbits loose in your garden, keep an option. But then you have a plant within a short time left. Rabbits can really chew your garden completely destroyed. Even plants that they do not like to gnaw.

And yet keeping a rabbit addition to your garden. I now have over 12 years a group of rabbits in my garden to live in a spacious run. And also a couple in a smaller run.

Here are the big run from above. The little run is just around the corner behind the shed.

This run consists of a paved area and a count area. Count among that portion is a mesh shell. Only 70 cm into the ground is not enough. I had in the beginning. However, rabbits dig under it easy and then your garden in no time ondertunneld bag and you just went away in some places.

Along the excavation area on the outside of the borders are running. Above the bald area is a pergola made ​​excavation, which is growing bridal veil. This has two advantages.

The rabbits are shaded by a pergola and they love bridal veil. This climbing plant grows very fast so you can often stems afsnoeien for the rabbits. And so that piece of garden interesting again.

Grapes were also good. The leaves they find it delicious. But my garden is on the north is too dark for grapes.

Around the run, the bottom of the garden are 2 mesh shelves above each other. That looks good but also has the function of the sand digging in the run in the run to keep. Otherwise, the plants often buried under the sand.

On the picture below you see the garden shelves well


The photo was taken in spring

The border around the animals, only plants are not toxic to rabbits. For all the leaves that grow through being eaten.

This book contains all the plants that are poisonous

Below is a list of plants that you look around the run can continue.
Bridal Veil - Fallopia auberti
Grape - Vitis
Thornless blackberry and then - Rubus
Heather - Erica
Garden geranium Geranium well as the pot geranium (Pelargonium)
Pachysandra terminalis
Bleeding heart - Dicentra formosa
Lady's mantle - Alchemilla mollis
Violets - Viola
All types of sunflower - Helianthus
apple tree
Red and black currant - Ribes sylvestre, Ribes nigrum

On the picture below shows the small run. Dwell in a castrated and an rammetje voedstertje.
They also have a count area. This pen is completely covered. It is not necessary to keep them from escaping. It has a very different reason. The animals lie, as you see under an apple tree. And an apple on a rabbit head is more than enough so why.

Even in winter is a great run in your garden.

Rabbits are not quickly cold, they have a nice warm winter coat.

These animals live 8 rabbits. Father and mother and six grown children now also. There are 4 males 4 females. The males are castrated, of course.

Chickens: vermin

red mites, scale leg mites, lice and fleas in chicken fightChickens and their pests!
Aphids, mites and mite lime leg these are just a few insects that can infest chickens!
Regular monitoring of aphids and mites on animals is needed.
Chickens keep himself clean through it with the beak and the feathers arranged to settle a sand bath with dry sand nenen.
Hens with a crest, you can brush with soap and water and then dry thoroughly and well-fats with olive oil or Vaseline. We repeat this every week. Is convenient to use is the 'Bird Spray Bogena of the crests to keep clean.
In chickens with a beard that come with their beaks can not clean them we find lice. In the vent area can often lice and eggs or nits found. Small mites houses that sometimes, as in the wings.
It is important that we use to fight innocent preparations not hurt the chicken.
There are special poultry insect powders in the market and has an embattled animals three times, each one week in between powder it well.
Lice and nits are thus slain before they can reproduce themselves.After a treatment against the mite that causes calcium legs are the legs smooth again.
Lime Leg:
Chalk-like scabs on their legs, legs ... called lime, lime caused by a small mite that lives under the leg scales and propagates.
It is routine for these parasites to detect and control it.
An obvious treatment that works:
What do you need?

Old toothbrush
Udder Cream or vaseline
How do I start it?

Make sure your chicken legs with the lime mite can stop and catch between arm and abdomen. (This works for the vervlotten)
Then take one leg and it lubricates the udder cream or Vaseline on it.
And go with the old toothbrush on the accused cream and rubs back and forth over the affected leg lime.
All this must be repeated every day until the interference disappeared.
This can take up to three weeks but the treatment is also incredibly friendly and efficient!

Red bird mites or mite:
The chickens will rarely die from external parasites, but the red bird mites in the loft is nestled by blood loss, the chickens loose and pale.
These mites also called red mites, can reproduce very quickly and stay during the day in crevices in the loft and under the seats or perches.
Regular monitoring of individual perches is also necessary to prevent this scourge. Experienced breeders smell the sickly scent of red mites. The cage must be thoroughly cleaned.
The chickens are to be sure everyone with an insect spray poultry handled and temporarily placed outside the loft.
All the individual parts of the loft are cleaned with Lysol or bleach water solution.
The loft is now sprayed with anti-bird mites, there are liquids and powders on the market. These remedies may not be used on the chicken.
Nests and especially not forgetting the perches and brackets, seams and cracks have a turn.

Chickens: ABC of the egg

ABC of chicken egg with tips and facts about eggs and health
The ABC of eggs

About the production
All eggs have a stamp code today. This allows the egg to be traced from the farm (possibly to a stable level) to your plate. The code also provides information on the farming system. The codes of corporate layers are centralized at the Federal Agency.

The code in Belgium for example, looks as follows: BE 0 1234-1

0: code for the farming system

As farming is concerned, there are four categories:

0: Bio

1: free range

2: free range

3: Cage

BE: iso-code for the State - BE = Belgium

1234: identification of the company laying hens

1: any number of stable
Explanation of the farming systems:
ORGANIC EGGSAn egg is an organic egg and the hen that lays eggs organically farmed. The feed of the laying hen for at least 80% of organic origin and there must be sufficient roughage (grass like) provided.Up to 3000 animals per house must be kept up to 6 animals per m2. The head should be at least 4 m 2 per layer amounts.
For eggs free rangeThese eggs are from hens kept in a barn similar to free-range eggs but also the whole day on a free-range feature in the open air. This range is largely overgrown (with grass for example) and an area of ​​2,5 m2 per cover them.
Free-range eggsThese eggs are from chickens that are kept in a stable with adequate perches and nests. At least 1 / 3 of the stable surface scratching area and there are more than nine hens per m2 usable floor surface area (surface of floor + floors). In some cases, it is up to 12 hens per m2 usable floor areas (if floors are not).
CAGE EGGSThe majority of the eggs produced in battery cages. In this farming system are usually four or five hens in a cage together. European legislation states that an area of ​​at least 550 cm2 per hen should be provided. It adheres to a set of provisions regarding the equipment of the cage.The poultry farmers to gradually switch to larger cages, for example 16, 24 or more layers, with 750 cm2 per hen is provided. These cages are equipped with perches, nests and free-range areas. By 2012, this fact required by Europe.


On the retention

     Store the eggs in the fridge

     Place eggs with the pointed side down

     Store eggs in addition to lemon, smoked fish or garlic. Eggs can easily go through the porous shell smell and taste of such products take over.

     Note the expiration date and packing date, fresh eggs until four weeks after laying in the refrigerator. The expiry date is shown on the egg itself. Laying date of eggs is listed on the box.

     Do not store leftover food with raw eggs.

About eggs and health
Eggs are small in stature, but are full of nutrients that are important to our body.

Rich in protein, low in calories
Eggs are a good source of quality protein. They contain all the essential amino acids in a good relationship. The yolk is a good source of iron and various vitamins. Eggs contain the antioxidants that may protect against age-related eye diseases such as cataracts. An average egg cooked (approx. 60 g) provides only 90 calories.

What about cholesterol?
The egg white is cholesterol-free, egg yolk contains an average of 200 mg of cholesterol. The egg is in comparison to other sources of cholesterol are lucky to be relatively poor in calories and saturated fats. The latter have an important effect on blood cholesterol than dietary cholesterol.

More than half the fat in an egg is also unsaturated. These are good fats that help lower cholesterol in the blood and possibly the risk of heart disease reduction.

chicken shed

Chickens in the garden rearing and care in the autumn.
Keeping chickens in the garden: Autumn work!

In this time of year, most older chickens to molt.

What is molting?

Moult, the change of plumage against the coming winter. We're clearing the fallen feathers regularly.

Molt is basically not a disease, but the chickens feel during that period really fit as a fiddle! They are prone to catch a cold or the like. A draft-free pen is therefore not a luxury when it's wet and chilly.

During the period that they moult laying hens.

Chickens in a rushing namely egg, have a good protein feed needed for the production of their new feathers.

Also, a grain-rich feed offered to them as 'strong' as possible, because grain makes sure that the chicken thicken. Vitamins should not be superfluous here ...

Green fodder is a valuable contribution to these delicacies for the chickens.

Sunflower seeds should provide a fresh bright plumage.

Very healthy chickens that have a white powdery layer on their feathers.


When the hens are uitgeruid they will soon go back to the place.

Note: this is definitely not for all hens.

Bantam chickens usually will take a winter rest and only put back in March.

Talk? Do not make me laugh, ...

Indeed, chickens are put back to start talking. Course in their own way, but you can really perceive between the animals. They are lively, playful and a lot tamer. This means that they are quicker to approach the caregiver. And especially not to forget their wattle and comb are fiery red.

Autumn Cleaning:

On a beautiful fall day we should open up the loft. Everything is then disinfected, sleep poles, splits, ... in short everything that is loose and can be disinfected.

The litter in the pen is completely removed and thrown on the compost.

Now that the litter is removed, the surface also disinfected, especially ... take your time and wait for this so the floor can dry out sufficiently. If it is wet and you make new litter is possible that it will become moldy from the moisture that is still present.

So, your chickens are good in the winter and spring can then pick up again the first eggs.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Chicken legnood

Chickens and their ailments: LEGNOOD

We speak of legnood as a chicken to lay an egg in the fallopian tube is ready, but it can not be pressed out. Legnood usually occurs in young laying hens for the first time to lay. It also occurs in older chickens when they lay an egg must be much larger than usual (eggs with double yolks), broken or if the egg is bothering. Usually it is a combination of the above causes too low a temperature, too little exercise and / or malnutrition.
It is therefore advisable to daily just to check the nestbox hens both day and night sit on the nest while they are not broody. It is a disease that should not be underestimated, because if we do not intervene in time they may even die.

What are the symptoms?
The young remain in their nest in the 'penguin posture' and tries to squeeze long. Sometimes even a small protrusion of the cloaca which is partly visible to the outside was pressed.

What can you do?
The place them apart, away from the other chickens, and preferably warmer (30 to 35 ° C is ideal).

Instillation of a few drops of salad oil into the vent opening may facilitate the laying of the egg. If there is a little vent to the outside, the layer to be removed from her loft mates. This would be hanging 'prolapse' aanpikken which mortally wounded is serious to them.

You can certainly treat these symptoms that can hop around the chicken again. We wash with the bulge with warm water and bring legdarm back inside. This is quite a dirty drawing and household gloves are therefore not a luxury here.

Now take a cloth and wrap it tightly in the hen, so the wings and legs remain closed. Pin everything down and put the chicken in a dark, warm place, preferably one day so that the chicken is enough to rest. For the night you can her a drink and eat.

The next day you make them back off and when legdarm stays may leave you scratching her aside.

If the evening is still going well, then she's already back at night to roost with the other chickens.
If you can not see or are not willing to take unnecessary risks, you can always consult a specialist vet to heal your chicken.


Chicken Izegem cuckoo

Izegem cuckoo: an old breed of chicken with good meat and legeigenschappen.
The Izegem cuckoo


Already in 1554 there was the work of Aldernardiana talk of Izegem.

How 'Kiekens Yseghem of "just looked at that time is not clear, nor how they originated. Around 1900 people in the region of Izegem clearly working on the processing of a very old breed. Photos from that period show clearly the wildlife with the appearance of Izegem cuckoo as we know it today. It was the first flowering of Izegem cuckoo. The First World War, however, causes that all efforts offset. After the second world war there for years no longer the Izegem to be in the 70s began to rebuild the breed.


The Izegem offers a wide range of enviable qualities. It is known that the Izegem cuckoo quality meat producer is like no other, combining a good lay. The animals mature to get one should count on 7 to 8 months, depending on whether hens or roosters. The delicate meat can certainly have tasted at an earlier age. The hens start to lay at the age of 7 to 8 months. Very characteristic is that they can defy the legs a good winterleg persevere. On average each year 150 bruinschalige 65 to 68 grams of eggs laid. After winterleg, most females already breeding in March. A sitting hen can hatch eggs with ease 15. The Izegem is particularly strong and vital but also very quiet and confidential in nature. The animals have a small enough space. A fence height of 1 meter is largely sufficient for the animals to keep their animals because they do little fly.


Izegem the Cuckoo is a pretty large meat chicken with a rose comb. The standard provides a target weight of 3.5 kg to 4 kg for a young and an old rooster on.

For them young 3 kg. and indicated a overjaarse 3.5 kg.

The tail of the Cuckoo Izegem is little developed and is nearly horizontal. The body is fairly rectangular in shape with a long wide back that is flat between the shoulders and horizontal. The chest is broad, somewhat upright, well-worn and well-fleshed forward. The legs are onbevederd and white, and the mouth.


Only one color variety is recognized, namely. cuckoo.

In cuckoo colored animals each spring blurry cross banded with alternating dark gray and light gray-white. In general, males lighter because the light cross bands are wider than the feathers in the hen. The Izegem cuckoo is a pretty rare meat chicken.
Author Angelo


Chickens in the garden

If you are planning to keep chickens in the garden, there must be well thought!
Do you have a large garden, or a little earlier? This is all the deciding factor for choosing the breed. It goes without saying that in a small garden heavy fowl belong. There are many different chicken breeds, bantam breeds such Chabo, saber leg Bantams, Silkies are varieties that can definitely be held in the smallest gardens.

You can feel free to drop them, they will not poach your borders. But it is possible that they are ugly household, but it usually goes well. This contrary to heavy fowls, which will in no time transform your garden into a real mess!

Planting in a chicken coop:
For the chicken what 'color' can give the chicken plant.
However, if you only poisonous shrubs have or plan to put!
Many trees and shrubs are toxic to chickens, such as Taxus, Buxus, Hedera (ivy).
Plants that are or could be eg: rosemary, Rhododendron, Skimmia, ... these all remain green in winter, always color!

The night-house:
If one chooses to keep chickens, the animals are well cared for.
This must start with a good, decent night-where the animals during the evening to roost during the day and can lay eggs in the nests can.
You can build one yourself, but if you want then the price is often cheaper!
A decent night-cracks and crevices can not, primarily because there are lice than blood draw. Take the night-draft-free, so the chickens do not suffer by it.
In the night-nests should also be ensured, as the hens can lay their eggs every day and even breed!

What you should know when they buy is what the animals eat animals.
Most people think that with the chicken corn forages. Is not true.
Grain is moderate given to me, this I do a handful of times a day.
If basic food here is legkorrel given, it is thought that this is to force the hens to lay. No, it is a food where everything is what a chicken needs, with of course a small stimulus to increase leg. As a "dessert" you can give a handful of grain.
You should not give too much grain because the birds 'fat' out. This is in contrary with green waste or table scraps.
The chickens will eat anything in no time.
With proper nutrition and care can meet your chickens a long life, and you have lots of fun.



Chickens and their advantages and disadvantages.
To many homeowners who have never loved chickens or other poultry, is today the municipality or the intermunicipal proposal to these interesting animals to keep as waste processors. A brilliant idea, provided that a certain number of minimum conditions are met and that both parties, you and your chickens, there are happy with.
There are many good reasons to keep chickens.Every homeowner has their own reasons whether or not to opt for chicken. Maybe find yourself in one of the reasons below.

Chickens are good recyclers. More and more municipalities and intermunicipal steps in the collection of household waste in the system of tiered pricing (diftar). The garbage, industrial compost bin and container are getting more expensive. To plant your organic waste to the chickens feeding, obviously you do not have to pay.
Taking care of the chickens and observation strengthens your contact with nature. If you visit every day the animals are feeding them yourself, they teach you well know and are affectionate.
Chickens are lively and friendly animals that contribute to the color and beauty in the garden. Always in motion they scratch the day and bring them life in the garden. The kids love it. The care of animals teaches them responsibility, show respect for animals and care for nature.
Chickens are both cheap to buy and care of animals. As for the menu, it shall notify the chickens do not require, it is true omnivores. Besides a basic ration of cereal they eat with great enthusiasm to the table scraps of their hosts and the weeds and grass clippings like they pick a sprig of it.
You have a great deal of the year about your own fresh eggs.
There are beautiful, sometimes age-old chicken breeds including several very local originated in Flanders. Think of the Brakel, Brabants fowl and Malines. They lay eggs, although slightly less than modern laying strains recyclers but they also qualify. If you choose raskippen, help you up there to preserve these breeds.
Directed them to work, you can use chicken parts from the (pulp), garden snails and weed free. They help an undeveloped piece of land to keep clean.

Their manure contains nitrogen and other nutrients. Mixed with garden waste and processed into compost, is ideal for your garden plants.

But also keep in mind the following.
Not every garden is suitable for chicken, the first question you should ask is whether you have enough space to give to chickens. Too many chickens in a small area leads to odor. Limit the number of chickens so that you love. The fewer chickens, the more space per animal. Because chickens are social animals, be well to keep at least two. A flock of three chickens is ideal for the average family. Resist the temptation to foster farm to be grown for Easter chicks, broken bantam chickens and discarded elsewhere.
But chickens do not just need a run or walk outside. You will also need a solid binnenhok before they build shelter from the weather.

Chickens are birds and can fly, especially the small breeds and if they do not geleewiekt or curtailed, are able to fly. Chickens over the fence and fly into your vegetable garden or the neighbor who end up, do not have much time to make a battlefield out of it!

Chickens need attention
Like all pets have chickens attention. They should not just be fed. The eggs must be picked up and change the water in the loft should be mucked out regularly litter. Periodically, you should check them for parasites and if their condition deteriorates, you may have seen better in time.

What chickens eat?
This picks up the chicken next to her daily quota of essential mixed cereals:

    Peel and leaves of fruit and vegetables
    Stale bread
    Leftover prepared vegetable food: steamed vegetables, boiled potatoes, French fries, rice, pasta, remnants of soup, tomato seeds,
    courgettes and melons ...
    Garden: short weeds on the ground, tall weeds hung in bunches, some new-mown grass

This picks up the chicken does not

    Green potato parts, onion skins and leek leaves, peel bananas and citrus fruits, moldy fruit and bread, raw potato peelings and kiwi skins, bones, meats, greasy, spicy or salty food waste, meat and fish, cheese residue, prunings and Haagsch solder

Can you still on vacation?
With an automatic crib and a full water trough, the chickens without problem a few days home alone.
Are you going on vacation for a long time, then you should appeal to a neighbor regularly animals with food and drink, the eggs and keeping an eye on keeping.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

cochin bantam chickens


Cochinkrielen are not miniatures of the big Cochin, they came as Beijing bantams to England.

In proportion, they are fuller and they look like feathered feathers round balls that have a rich foot feathers, with legs almost disappear into the down.

The attitude is prone, hiding is called, the party is higher than the tail head.

They are relatively light weight: 675 to 860 grams

They are resistant to sticking to a limited space because they fly low and barely walk.

One must be careful to not overfeed them, they are prone to obesity.

Perches are placed low in the loft to damage the soft voetveren avoid.

They are zachtvederig and what is in the breeding season down around the vent hole cut in order to facilitate fertilization.

The hens are good layers and good kloekjes.

They have a single comb, red earlobes and the skin is fine facial tissue.

The eyes are reddish brown and the legs are yellow.