Sunday, October 30, 2011

Exotic fruit in the garden: khaki and sharon fruit its own to grow in warm, sheltered gardens!

Travel to distant countries teaches us to know new flavors. Once, bananas and oranges fruits from exotic countries. Later we learned kiwi and passion fruit known. Take some to know the khaki, sharon fruit and vegetable shop in persimoen and if you like, why not grow your own garden? Khaki, persimoen, and Sharon persimmon fruits are warm, sheltered place to grow well. Some (immature) species have a sour aftertaste khaki, but at full maturity they tend to do a sweet taste. Some varieties are self-pollinating and seedless persimmon, but the fruits do fall off easily. Deciduous fruit trees in the subtropics, with fruits that look like orange tomatoes.

Significance of difference and Diospyros kaki, sharon fruit and persimoen:

Diospyros kaki Diospyros kaki = persimmon and fruit, sharon fruit, (S: Japanese persimmon, kaki Japanese)
Diospyros virginiana = persimoen, (S: American persimmon, Common persimmon, Persimmon, White ebony.)
Persimmon Diospyros lotus =, (S: Date-plum, persimmon Lotus, Lotus Tree)
The hardiness of the khaki could remarkably improve if they are grafted on Diospyros virginiana Diospyros lotus or the.
The genus Diospyros belongs to the plant family Ebenaceae (Ebony Family)
The scientific name Diospyros (Greek) is derived from "dios" divine, "Pyros" wheat or fruit, or fruit divine gods fruit for the soul, the fruit species grown in Japan must be very tasty.
The species name khaki stands for the Japanese name "khaki-no-ki" for a red fruit.
What are the best varieties to plant khaki and what with the sometimes unpleasant taste in khaki and sharon fruit?

The most recommended non-astringent varieties do not taste bitter because of their low looizuurgehalte: "Triumph" (Sharon), 'Jiro', 'Gosho' Suruga ',' Fuyu 'and' Fuyuyaki "
Other interesting khaki varieties with a high production, middentijdse or late flowering and insensitive to vruchtval 'Maekawa Jiro', 'Wase Fuyu Matumoto "and" Yamato "
Sharon Fruit is glorified or improved varieties of the original wild kakis. In the fruit stores are found mostly only sharon fruit. Especially around the holidays in the autumn they are found much in the shop.
Sharon Fruit ("Triumph" - Sharon) can also eat when they are still hard, because they are much less tannic acid (tannin) contain. Yet the taste of sharon fruit better when fully ripe.
The true or original khaki fruit (with astringent taste), you should eat when fully ripe. To do this, leave the fruit after leaf drop a few days or weeks hanging. They have a dark orange color. Immature kakis tastes sour due to the large amount of tannic acid (tannin =) they contain.
The ripe persimmon fruits are rich in vitamin C, beta carotene (vitamin A) and sugars. They are like grapes energizing fruits.

In which countries is the persimmon grown and countries of origin?

     Originally grew persimoen khaki and in temperate areas of China, Japan, Burma, North India, Korea and Vietnam. The trees are in the wild but also cultivated for hundreds of years.
     Now these special exotics also grown in Italy, Spain, Algeria, Israel, Brazil and New Zealand.

Characteristics of the khaki-and sharon fruit:

     They are flat-round fruit, similar to square tomatoes, with a diameter of 5 to 10 cm. At the top they have green petals.
     The skin color depends on the kakiras and can vary from yellow, yellow orange to dark orange.
     Sometimes the grooved shell.


The inside of the persimmon fruit is divided into separate sections that are filled with soft flesh and a varying number of seeds (seedless varieties with parthenocarpic).
     The ripe fruit from the store sharon sweet flavors, sometimes with a banana or vanilla flavor. Some think it tastes like pears and apricots.
     Persimmon fruit ripens here in late autumn (late October-early November) for three weeks. A little frost is sometimes useful to tannic acid (tannin) to break down. They must be even leaf drop after a few days or week remain.
     The stores have a fruit weight of 200-350 g and a size of 8-10 cm.
     In the ordinary varieties of persimmon fruits have a bitter taste remarkably high taninnegehalte.
     The ripe persimmon fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and processing in desserts or jams. Dried fruits would be a delicacy.
     The fruit should have medical properties.

Characteristics of the khaki-and sharon plant:

     Khaki's are deciduous trees or shrubs that are 3-5 meters high. The trees somewhat resemble apple trees.
     The oval, leathery leaves are about 20 cm long.
     The inconspicuous flowers are surrounded by a green calyx tube. They develop in the leaf axils from June of one year old branches. The female flowers are separate and are a creamy white, while the rose-colored flowers with three men together.
     The seeds are brown and khaki are about the size and shape of almonds. The fruits are rarely bought seeds available.
     In autumn the leaves get a red or yellow fall color.

Flowering and pollination of kakis:

Kakis bloom in mid-May end of May
For good production (large fruit) is cross-pollination from another variety useful.
Most breeds also give parthenocarpic persimmon fruit, so only plants is possible. These fruits contain no seeds.
If fruit without pollination (parthenocarpic), the strikingly large vruchtrui in August. Later, there are regular vruchtval.
A male pollinator provides greater benefits that are less easily fall. The fruits also contain seeds.
Growing Tips for good kakis to breed

The first year, the persimmon plant to be protected from severe frost. It recommends that sometimes the first two years in a greenhouse to overwinter.
The next five years at low temperatures well cover or a plastic greenhouse build around. From the tenth year, the khaki most winters here are well. In full winter sleep plants tolerate temperatures down to -18 ° C. End of March, early April, sometimes they run out and then the young shoots are very vulnerable to spring frost.
Choose flared late varieties, which are less susceptible to spring frost. Choose especially early maturing varieties that ripen in October already.
They can grow to normal, well-drained garden soil.
Choose a warm place sheltered from north and east winds. (No morning sun and wind plants).
Usually the plants are little or not susceptible. In the greenhouse / conservatory can sometimes scale insects on the leaves.
Birds can damage the unripe fruit, so they are best protected with a net or fleece when the leaf discoloration and leaf fall begins. The fruits are best leaf drop after a while linger. Light frost does the tannin breaks down faster. Fruits are plucked early November but may also ripen indoors until they are completely soft.
Unripe persimmon fruit is faster eetrijp them together with some ripe apples in a paper bag to keep.
Ripe fruits have a yellow-orange color and tastes like sweet ripe apricots and pears.
Caution with pruning. See "ABC Fruit - Pruning Calendar"

Kakis multiply by seed, cuttings or grafting?

     Propagation of kakis can sow passing by and by grafting.
     Cuttings of kakis is not possible.
     Khaki grafted plants give fruits usually after about three years. In seedlings, sometimes it takes 10 years.
     If for kakis rootstock is usually the Diospyros lotus (lotus tree) is used. (The fruit of the lotus tree are only 1-2 cm tall and have little flavor). By using this rootstock would kakis earlier fertility and slower runs in the spring, making them less susceptible to spring frost.
     Diospyros virginiana only (persimoen) is to be increased by cuttings (root cuttings and cuttings in winter, wood older of about 1.5-2 cm thick)
     See also section "propagation by seed, cuttings and slips" and "Fruit ABC - Site Calendar"

Kakis self sow?

     Sometimes it works once in a pit in a khaki fruit found.
     The months from January to February are ideal to try to sow.
     Properly remove the pulp and rinse the stone properly clean.
     Let the pit one day week in lukewarm water and sow it in a pot filled with damp soil seed and cuttings.
     Place the seed container at room temperature (18-22 ° C) and place a glass or plastic sheet on top of the jar so that the seed compost does not dry out.
     After about 2-4 weeks the seed germinates.
     Once the first true leaf appears, the seedling into a bigger pot of soil placed.
     To prevent burns may ingepot young plant in the beginning not in full sun.

Pruning kakis:

     Limit pruning, but try to obtain a light tree.
     A light head can be obtained by intersecting some growing areas and steep road cut.
     Also you can prune low hanging branches.
     If a stem form is desired, then remove the lower branches gradually.
     The branches are brittle and break off easily noticeable by a too heavy fruiting or strong winds. The fruits are susceptible to wind damage by rubbing against the branches.
     Flowers and fruits are short one-year twigs.
     Strong twigs flowering shoots to form from the fifth to ninth button. Strongly growing branches or twigs are cut at about 35cm and the new year it may zijtwijgen flowering twigs form.
      The pruning time of frost, young trees is mid May - end of May Try to get three branches constitution by three well-placed to keep twigs and branches to the central leader of the excess removed. Top of the trunk is kept as a young sprout verlengenis. Make that a lot of light inside the canopy can be.

Persimoen or persimmon harvest? (Diospyros virginiana)

The fruits of the persimoen very similar to those of the khaki. Compared with the khaki is the greater fertility and fruit size is smaller. The fruit must be harvested at full maturity to be edible. Light frost promotes ripening of the fruits.


1 comment:

  1. I would LOVE to have some Kaki fruits in my garden. They taste heavenly and are very difficult and expensive to come by at supermarkets. Do you have any idea where could I buy plants in Auckland and if they would grow in a pot? Someone grows them in my neighbourhood but they have very small plants and also fruiting just now, so I am not sure if they would donate grafts (not to mention that I do not know this neighbours =P ).
