Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Fruit trees in medium and large gardens: planting of walnut trees

Overview walnuts tips:

Walnuts / walnuts fit well in medium and large gardens. Choose a healthy, vaccinated and walnotenras plant in a moist soil, you can pick up notes after three years already. Walnut Seedlings are very large, are fertile late (after 10 years) and are sometimes prone to nasty fungal diseases. Limited pruning best done in September and not in the winter. Walnuts are rich in protein and unsaturated fat, source of vitamin B, vitamin E and folic acid. Recommended varieties include walnut Juglans regia 'Axel', 'Broadview', 'Buccaneer', Coenen, Drjanovski, Hansen, Nr. 16, Plovdivski, Proslavski, R

Walnuts botany and useful features:- Ordinary walnuts (walnuts), whose scientific name Juglans regia, belong to the family Juglandaceae. In Esperanto, the juglandoThe genus name Juglans comes from Jovis composition-gloss, head of Jupiter (Zeus), dedicated to Zeus tree after a wedding when the bride entered the bedroom, threw the ancient Greeks nuts among the guests, that Zeus would make marriage fruitful .The species designation means regia royal and is derived from the Latin rex (= king).- Note boots fit very well in our environment. Flies and mosquitoes are in the vicinity of the tree banned. (Very useful in the stables of animals!) They give lots of shade, and are well suited to sit in when the temperatures in summer high. Aphids are rare on the tree.- Regarding health, it is usually easy fruit trees. Most new walnut varieties are little or not susceptible to disease.Older varieties may be susceptible to fire blight and fire spotty nature (leaf spot). Insects / mites need not be sprayed.Normally they require no plant protection products (pesticides).- Walnuts usually fit in small gardens. They should be planted wide apart. An exception is the weak-growing resume. "Hansen".- Nuts fit well in our current diet. In autumn you can collect the nuts, to dry off and eat. They are particularly rich in proteins and are therefore very useful for people who do not wish to eat meat (vegetarians).Nuts are a healthy treat most people, which they use for several months. Juglans regia: walnut, walnut
- Among the Walnuts, there are several plants which are not able / want to grow. The roots of Juglans could contain toxic substances, the growth of other plants can disturb. In which the leaves are not toxic, so they certainly take on the compost heap can be done.Tips in the planting of nut trees - walnuts common / walnut.- The recommended planting distance is 7.5 (6) x 8 m (or 9 x 10 m). This distance is dependent on the soil and of the race. Seedlings usually charge a very large distance.
- In general, grafted varieties strongly recommended. These may already after 3 years the first notes indicate. Seedlings show sometimes after 10-12 years the first notes. Inoculated with races you can be sure of their properties (disease susceptibility, fruit quality, scale, quality, nut width, ...). With seedlings this is a big question mark because the typical racial characteristics often lost.
- Preferably one species / cultivars that take very little disease prone. For older breeds nuts sometimes there are problems with bacterial fire, fire and patchy nature of the quality scale. Bacteria in a fire, the contents of the notes completely rotten.
- A tree pole is necessary for the grafted walnut trees. (2.5 m long and 6 cm thick)
- Preferably one plant in the fall (October-November) or spring (March-April)
- No plant nut trees on wet or dry soil. The best rooting depth is 1 meter. The pH (acidity) of the soil is best between 6.5 to 7
- Cross-pollination is usually recommended. So your best to plant two different nut trees which bloom right. A very good (self) pollinator is 'Buccaneer'. "Broadview" alone sometimes gives good results.If you really want only one nut tree / plant is then the races 'Amphyon', 'Buccaneer' and 'Chiara' the best solution. Both varieties are self-pollinating.
- Nuts are a loose, weed-free and warm soil. The graft will be best to just above ground plants. Also stemmed notes (grafted) always have a support post required!
- In low-lying land which are sensitive to late spring frost (frost pockets), there is some chance that the young shoots and flowers afvriezen. Preferably, they are not nuts / walnuts plants. If you still want to do that than to go down ahead late varieties in the spring. vb. "Drjanovski ',' Hansen 'and' Red Donaunuss.
- No fertilizer in plantput do. This can root combustion.
- Walnut Trees in pots usually regrow better than bare root plants.

Pruning nut trees / walnuts
- The best pruning time is between May, June and September. It can also happen just after the walnut harvest. See also "Fruit pruning calendar".
For walnut trees in the Netherlands suggest some pruning of specialists only in June to cut, so the bleeding (profuse loss of juice) is avoided.

- Pruning Tips: Little or no pruning. The stem length is minimal and better 1m30 1.80 to 2 meters. Only broken branches and twigs to remove abrasive.

Fungal diseases in regular walnuts (walnuts)
Brown-black spots on the leaves of walnut trees
Leaf and fruit diseases of walnut stain / walnuts may include two causes:
1) Fire Bacteria - Bacterial blight:
Xanthomonas campestris pv. juglandis (Pierce) Dye
Pseudomonas (Xanthomonas) juglandis.
The leaves of walnut / walnut are small brown spots, leaf fall in serious damage. On their hulls wet black rotten spots occur. In early summer infection by the bacteria penetrate the shell so that the nut rot and fresh glue (= wet rot).

A too large donation nutrients could cause more Xantomonas in some breeds. (Better a little more poor soil)
Chemical control: copper oxychloride (50 g per 10 liters of water). Shortly before flowering and at the appearance of the young nuts. In the spring, so 2 - to 3-fold spraying.

Insensitive / tolerant varieties are nuts, 'Broadview', ....
Sensitive species notes: "Axel", "Belnoot" and several other older varieties.

In young walnut trees that grow strongly, the shoots may be affected. One sees then brown, sunken spots with some slime growth, surrounded by an oily edge. If this occurs on or koptak gesteltak, it can be better to delete and start a new branch. Warm and humid weather increases the chance of an attack. This disease may also be transmitted by pollen.

2) Brandvlekkerigheid/ bladvlekkenziekte of Antharacnose bij Juglans
- Gnomonia leptostyla (con. v. Marssonia juglandis).
Gnomonia leptostyla (Fr.:Fr.) Ces. & De Not. (anamorph: Marssonina juglandis (Lib.) Magnus)
Zowel op de bladbovenzijde als op de onderzijde vrij grote hoekige vlekken. Ziek notenblad vergeelt en valt af Juglans regia-gewone walnoot: bladvalziekte

Op de scheuten en bolsters ietwat ingezonken scherpbegrensde bruine vlekken. De noot zelf kan ook soms bruin worden en verdrogen (= droogrot). Nat lenteweer bevordert de infectie; deze gaat uit van zieke afgestorven bladeren die in de nabijheid van de bomen blijven liggen.

Bestrijding: Preventief bestrijding met koperoxychloride.
Koperoxychloride (50 gram per 10 liter water) in de voorzomer 2- tot 3-maal spuiten.
Let op! Gebruik geen koperhoudende producten waar schapen grazen!

Minder gevoelige/ tolerante notenrassen zijn: 'Broadview', ...
Gevoelige notenrassen: 'Axel' (= vuistnoot), ('Fey's Spezial'), 'Bel'
Infobronnen voor dit walnotenartikel:
- Groente & Fruit Encyclopedie .

Auteurs Luc Dedeene en Guy De Kinder. Uitgeverij Groenboekerij (Kosmos). Nur 423; formaat 21 x 29,7 cm; ruim 600 illustraties; omvang 408 pagina's. Verschenen februari 2004. Meer info over de Groente- en fruit Encyclopedie

- Plantenziekten: bescherming van cultuurgewassen en openbaar groen, door A. Hallemans. (6de uitgave - 1993)

- Publicaties en verslagen van dé Notenspecialist:
WESTHOF KWEKERIJ, te NL-4444 SM 's-Heer Abtskerke (Nederland)
Nederland (Tel.: 0113-561219 Fax 0113- 563399). Hier kan men een uitgebreid sortiment aan geënte rassen okkernoten (walnoten) bekomen.
Homepage kwekerij (gewone walnoten) Westhof


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