Monday, October 17, 2011

Plants that attract butterflies

Butterflies are insects, like ants, sow bugs, mosquitoes and bees. Most insects are not treated kindly by humans. Butterflies are an exception, because they often those beautiful, colorful wings. Yet this is not so good with the butterflies. In recent years, several extinct species of butterflies and some butterflies are rare or very rare.
Around the world are more than 150,000 species of butterflies. In Europe, more than 3,000 different butterflies and The Netherlands has just over 2,000 butterflies. Butterflies are divided into two groups: butterflies and moths.

Those who do not worship, butterflies in many different colors and with a very different picture of the wings. The size of a butterfly is very diverse, from tiny to super, and all equally beautiful.

When people heard about their disapproval of creatures in the garden, then some stories about the neighbor's cat, moles in the lawn, aphids in various colors, Lily Haantjes, wasp nests, etc. ....... But in an animal is usually much praise, the butterfly. A single vegetable growers will be annoyed by the preference of cabbage whites as nesting on coal for their eggs, but that's usually at.

So we want all butterflies in the garden, but not every garden is much visited because we have our garden attractive to the fluttering folk.

What makes a garden attractive to butterflies?

1. plants that attract butterflies.

2. peace and quiet, preferably a garden near the forest.

3. homeowners who leave the poison syringe, with both biological and chemical sprays.

4. homeowners that their plants can tolerate corrosion, caused by the egg came from the caterpillars of the butterfly
(caterpillars grow into a butterfly can only plant foods from your garden).

In these four points is the secret of a garden or not butterflies. I admit you have quite a lot of effort and intolerance of our butterflies, but phytoproducten in your garden for our people and nation is not healthy if you put large groups of plants of the same type of plant is not so much like the gluttonous.
A garden in a wooded area is ideal, but also without forest nearby can create an attractive place for butterflies. One must simply provide variation in height and density of vegetation. As well as sun and shade, and wet and dry areas are present in your garden, you can choose the right plants for butterfly garden as guests expect.
All species of butterflies to your garden entice you succeed with the best will in the world ever, there are currently over 160,000 butterflies known around the world. Much of this happens in Europe does not, our climate will also play a role here, since butterflies fly only when the sun is at a minimum temperature of 15 ° C. Butterflies are cold blooded animals need nectar from flowers for energy. Dew Drops on plants in the early morning supply of water for our butterflies.
A butterfly life usually lasts only one to two weeks, only butterflies that overwinter as butterflies can be 8 to 9 months old. For every 100 caterpillars that hatch, only get 1 or 2 the butterfly stage. Many caterpillars are eaten by birds, ie, beetles or toads, these caterpillars have a natural function of food for other animals. The survivors are beautiful butterflies help pollinate our flowers.
What butterflies we can expect, especially in our garden?
Of the 10 to 15 butterfly species that are usually in a normal garden show will follow here are some names: the cabbage whites, the Peacock (see photo below), the Little Fox, the Atlanta, the thistle butterfly, the Holly Blue, Brimstone, Small veined white , Comma and Landkaartje.

Which plants attract butterflies to our garden now?

First, many kinds of herbs, giving it a wild vegetation where our butterflies love so much. A bunch of nettles in the garden also does wonders for many butterflies, this is the plant on which they lay their eggs. The Nettle is one of the favorite host plants to feed the hungry stomachs of caterpillars. In a two-year and are very popular garden plants: nasturtiums, Mallow, Damask Flower, Thistle Herb Species and Snake.

   When perennials are very popular: Seed Rock Child, Margaret, Aster, Orpine, Wild Marjoram, Soapwort, sage and Zenegroen. When trees and shrubs is the love to, ivy, Willow, Privet, butterfly bush and lavender. Once we have butterflies in our garden and study them, we see that also many other plants frequented by butterflies.

Butterflies not only give color to the garden, but are also indicators of the quality of our garden and the surrounding area. Where many butterflies occur is well made ​​with nature. You have so many butterflies in the garden, then it is great to know that not only possesses a varied garden with attractive to butterflies, but also a garden with a healthy living environment.

In our garden we also have discovered that butterflies are not trivial as, the Swallowtail (pictured below), the orange tip, Fire Butterfly and Butterfly Mint. Every year new species of, our family is very happy with. On average we have about 12 different species each year in our garden. It makes us feel that we're at it, though on a small scale, to improve nature.



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