Saturday, August 13, 2011

Boom there goden a witch

Walnut trees are among the oldest trees we know. Their history dates back to the year 7000 BC. From their homeland, they came up in Persia, Central Asia, China and Greece by the Romans later to Europe.
The walnut has always mythology, folk customs and witchcraft played an important role.

In Greek mythology, the walnut symbol of wisdom.
The Greeks and Romans, he was to Zeus / Jupiter, god of light, sky and weather, dedicated. The fruits were ambrosia and were therefore "shine Jovis" (Jupiter nuts) called. In love affairs, they could be used successfully. Eating walnuts increased feelings of love. Due to its soft core that hides behind the hard shell, the symbol of the walnut essential that hides behind appearances.
In the story of the god Dionysus Karya love with the beautiful girl. When she died, he turned her into a walnut tree. The goddess Artemis brought this news to Karyas father, in memory of his daughter, next to the tree had built a temple (Temple of Artemis Karyatis). The columns of walnut took the form of young women, the caryatids.
The Romans were the fruits associated with Juno, goddess of women and marriage. Walnut Branches and leaves were thrown at the married couple to promote their fertility.
In one legend tells that the Wise Men from the East walnuts also gave to Jesus as a symbol of wisdom.

People use
In several European countries long believed that walnuts could protect against witches and evil spirits. A witch would no longer be able to move when under her chair or on her lap, put a few walnuts. The lightning would never take a walnut, but if any of a walnut tree fell asleep, would never wake up. Eating walnuts might help against the bite of a dog with rabies and caries prevention.
Walnuts were a symbol of fertility. That's why they threw in southern Germany, a basket of walnuts in the bedroom of the bride. The sound of the notes on the wooden floor caused the "poltern" is the German use of 'Polterabend' (feast day of the marriage) is derived, which is now mostly smashed crockery.
Walnuts were a common love oracle. When two notes into the fire and put it together were lying, that was a sign that the couple would stay together harmoniously. But when the nut cracking apart jumps, it predicted a turbulent marriage.
Another love oracle was throwing a stick in the walnut tree. When he was stuck, the girl would be married within the year.
When a pillow filled with walnut leaves, it was hoped thereby to dispel nightmares. Branches of the walnut tree hung around the house, protecting it from lightning.
In the Middle Ages people were convinced that eating walnuts could promote mental and physical strength. Therefore they smeared the penis with an infusion of walnut leaves in order to increase male potency.
Of illegitimate children were told that they "would have fallen from the walnut tree. The house of the mother was placed a straw man.
In China, called the walnut-hu Tao, which means' peach barbaric means. One could note a similarity between the green and peach shell of the walnut. Peaches looked different from earlier today. They were smaller and until shortly before their maturity green, they seemed so to a walnut.
The Chinese call the walnut also sui-tzu-wan, "fruit of ten thousand years, probably because it is a very old fruit.
Witch Tree
In the Old Testament, King Solomon joyful about his walnut grove, "I went nuts in the garden to the fruits of the valley to behold."
It's an old custom in Poitou (France), bride and groom around the large walnut tree in the center of the village dance. It is believed that the bride so much milk for the baby, who is to come, will produce.
In rural France, men secretly put walnut leaves in the shoes of their loved ones in order to secure his love and faithfulness.
The word means walnut 'welsh note. Welsh is an old Teutonic word meaning strange. Is usually referred to Welsh Country Italy.
But in walnut tree was also seen evil. In the 17th century people in Italy that a walnut tree, the Tree of Benevento, was the place where witches met. According to legend, the bishop had to remove the tree, including the root. Vain. In the same place grew rapidly a new witch tree.
According to another legend, we are cautioned to a walnut tree close to a stall to plant, otherwise the cattle sick. Also, passengers would rather not spend the night under a nut tree because otherwise they would not wake up.
There are many stories about the shadow of the walnut tree crown shows. Thus, according to the writings of Pliny (Roman writer of the first century AD). The shadow of the notes leaves the brain adversely. He claimed that the walnut tree was planted everywhere he brought misfortune.
Walnut wrote to me sometimes to contradictory influences. On one side were the nuts because of their similarity to the human brain is used against head and brain disorders, on the other hand, they just cause headaches

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